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Bulk 35mm Film Development

I have just returned from an 18 month journey and have just over 260 rolls of 35mm film to be developed (mostly standard Kodak Gold 200/36 exp.).

I'd like to get my film developed and have single prints (4") made, as well as have the images put onto a CD.

I've been looking around at local labs (Los Angeles area) and it seems like Kodak labs has a pretty standard price of $15.99 for single prints (4") plus CD for 36 exp.

FujiFilm labs seem set at $12.99 for the same with "premium" processing (archive paper, individual color correction on each print), or $10.99 for standard processing.

Obviously, FujiFilm processing is considerably cheaper. I'm not *too* concerned with the quality of the prints (they'll just be for showing to friends/family), but I do want to assure decent quality processing of the negatives and the quality of the scanned images is also important to me.

Any advice/recommendations concerning which lab I should go with?

Maybe I should be considering something completely different since I have so much film to be developed? Is there anywhere I can send 260 rolls of film and get a better deal than $10.99/roll for processing, single prints, and a CD?

Sorry if this question is too amateur for this site. I'm just a traveler, photography is only a hobby for me. :)

Thanks for your help!

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September 01, 2004


Vince Broesch
  I would go to a local pro lab, and tell them that you would like a quote price. I think they will give you a good deal. Some people also will say not to run it all at one time, for fear of processing damage(I don't agree) but you might want to tell them that you will give them 10 rolls per day for 26 days. At least it will give the lab more time and you might get better quality since the lab won't be pressed for time. I've worked in labs for 25 years, let me know if you have any questions...


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September 04, 2004


Mick King
Well, at the risk of sounding like a hick from the sticks, or a redneck, whatever......I take the majority of my films to Sam's Club for developing. I had a roll put onto cd; the cd plus double prints cost $6.70 + tax.

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September 05, 2004


Mick King
  Well, at the risk of sounding like a hick from the sticks, or a redneck, whatever......I take the majority of my films to Sam's Club for developing. I had a roll put onto cd; the cd plus double prints cost $6.70 + tax.

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September 05, 2004


Michelle Ross
  I send most of my film into You do have to sign up and send this film via the mail and they just charge your orders to the credit card you give them. I've been doing this for almost 3 years and they haven't lost any of my rolls yet(knock on wood). Normal processing of this is $2.99 plus $1.99 s/h =$4.98 which gives you a set of prints, your negatives and also includes posting the photos online to your snapfish account. You can purchase prepaid processing in bulk quantity and get even cheaper pricing on this. 50 rolls is $1.99/roll plus $1.99 s/h. You can then also choose photos to have put onto a cd that is $9.49 for the first 50 and then $10.00/additional 150 photos. They also have postage paid mailers that you can send your film to them in. Snapfish also allows you to organize your online albums in any manner you need to and you can also share these albums with family and friends by sending them a link via email that includes the album in it. The opportunites are amazing with this! I have never had a bad experience with Snapfish and they have always handled my questions quickly and efficiently.

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September 05, 2004

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