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Photography Question 

Norbert Maile

Lighting and lens settings

I am wanting to get into pet photography in a serious way. I recently read a book on the subject, and they desribed a lighting set up they use, but I must be missing something. They said that they use 400asa film, the main light at the side is f22, front fill light is f16, and the highlite over head is f16. Expose at f16 for average color fur,f11 for dark, f22 for light. OK,,,, what isthe shutter spead? Sorry, but I'm just not getting my brain around it. Thanks.

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August 24, 2004


BetterPhoto Member
The question is whether they are using 'hot lights' or strobe. If they are using hot lights (continuous lights, not flash) then you have to test for the shutter speed and the easiest is to meter off an 18% grey card. If they are using strobe flashes, then the shutter speed is almost illrelevant. Just pick the shutter spped that you camera is designed to use, like 1/125.

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August 24, 2004

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