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Photography Question 

Kenneth Hupila

Photos in Cold Weather

I live in northern Minnesota and spend a considerable amount of time trying to shoot photos in temperatures that at times can be arctic. Outdoor scenes range from about freezing to -40 F and even inside temps at ice arenas can be zero and below. What suggestions can you give me for keeping cameras working without damage. Thanks. Ken Hupila

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August 24, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Get a mechanical film SLR.
I've used my Nikon FM2's in some pretty cold weather (down to -10) and since they don't rely on batteries except for metering, they function well in freezing temps.
The thing to really be careful of, is changing temperatures quickly. This can cause condensation to form inside your camera and lenses and really screw them up.
Before coming in out of the cold, wrap your equipment in a plastic bag. When you bring the bag into a warm environment, the condensation will form on the outside of the bag instead of on your expensive equipment.

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August 24, 2004


Kenneth Hupila
  Thanks for your response, Bob. I have two AE-1s and they have been good cameras for me except in cold weather. Like the idea of the plastic bag.

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August 24, 2004


  Your AE-1s, like my AT-1, required battery to fire the shutter and metering. Maybe you can find a Ftb model on the internet that you can use your existing lenses. The Ftb requires no battery except for metering.

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August 25, 2004

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