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BetterPhoto Member

Should I go digital

own Nikon n75. Everyone tells me digital is better. I take a lot of pictures. What would you replace my camra with and is the quality much better than film. Is 6.1 pixels quality better than film. I like the SLR. Everyone I meet trys to sell me on digital. I need pros and cons which nobody can give me. Help

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August 16, 2004


R.M. Fusco
  Hi Fran,
Digital is wonderful, however does has its shortcomings. Nothing major though. The biggest issue would batteries. A higher end digital will require alot of fresh battery power, (or a power cord whenever possible). Especially if you plan on using the LCD continually. You still may find that an inexpensive film camera may not equal the quality of a very high end,(expensive), digital. The detail that can be achieved with film is still no match for even the most expensive of digitals. But I'm not saying not to switch or have a digital as a second or vice-versa. The advantages of digital are also enormous. No cost of film or processing. You purchase a card or two and that's your film. You can switch film speeds at any time, on any frame with digital. You may even be able to switch to B&W, depending on the features of your camera. You can view your results immediately. You can print your results immediately. Although inkjet printing can be slightly expensive. You can immediately dispose of any unwanted images. If you already have a Nikon SLR, I may suggest looking at the Nikon digitals. They offer enough of a choice. This allows you to choose a digital that will suit your needs, so you don't pay for more than what you need. The list goes on. Overall, I would suggest going digital, but have your traditional SLR as a second. This is what I do. I use a digital at work, but still use my SLR away from work. I am not ready to completely part with traditional as of yet. Not so sure I helped, but there is a great article on PROS and CONS of digital at Go to the left side tool bar and click on PHOTOGRAPHY. From there you should see an article about switching to digital. Good Luck.

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August 16, 2004


Pamela K
  There are some digital SLR cameras that are shown to have higher quality than the best film and a high end lens. There are also some that come quite close to film and you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless you were making giant posters.

The quality of resolution for a digital camera does not just relate to number of megapixels, however. It's a combination of number of megapixels and size of the sensor. If you cram 6.1 megapixels onto a small sensor, the resulting image may be so noisy that you would have been better off with 4 megapixels (given the same size sensor).

Here's a website that compares most of the high end DSLRs to a film camera shooting on high quality film with a good lens:

If you look at the chart toward the bottom, it has a review of most of the digital SLRs. You'll notice that some of them (Canon D1s = 11.1 megapixels on a large sensor, for example) have actually surpassed the quality of film.

If you shoot a LOT! of pictures, digital will probably pay for itself quicker than you think, even the high end cameras.

Hope this helps.


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August 16, 2004

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