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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


If I use both a UV filter, and a polarizing filter, will they counteract each other? I have had a few beautifully blue skies come back not so blue.

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September 13, 2000


John A. Lind
  No. However, you shouldn't need both, and stacking filters, especially if one of them is thicker like a polarizer, can get you into vignetting trouble.

Assuming you are using an SLR, then make certain you are rotating the polarizer to adjust it *after* you have framed the image. If you rotate or re-aim the camera after adjusting the polarizer, you will need to adjust the polarizer again. Some lenses will rotate the filter ring when focusing! If your lens does this and you focus after adjusting the polarizer, you need to readjust the polarizer again.

In addition, a polarizer will only darken portions of sky about 90 degrees to the sun, roughly a northern or southern sky. It will not have any effect on a sky near or directly opposite the sun.

Lastly (not likely the problem, but worth checking) if you are using a camera with TTL metering, and especially one with auto-focus, make certain you are using a circular polarizer, not a linear. Newer SLR's with AF or that use half-silvered mirrors with the AE sensor behind it can have troubles with linear polarizers.

-- John

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September 13, 2000

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