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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Understanding Shutter Speeds

I have recently bought this camera and coming up to speed with it. I just want to understand the shutter speed settings. i.e. 1 up to 1000 on my camera. When I am reading the instructions it says 1/1000 etc. Ideally, I will be using the camera for sports, so I need to 'freeze' certain shots. What setting between 1-1000 do you think I should use? I have tried Fuji for assistance on this, but they have not come back to me for 3 days. Would appreciate any assistance.

Kind regards


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July 15, 2004


Jon Close
  It can vary from 1 sec. to 1/1000 sec. (or even faster/slower), depending on the speed of the subject, its angle of motion relative to you, and it's magnification (how far away you are and what focal length lens).

Action coming at, or moving away can be captured with slower shutter speed than those moving across your field of view. With respect to magnification - With a 200mm lens 1/250 may not be fast enough to freeze a 90mph fastball 100 ft away, but probably would be fast enough to freeze a 400mph jet plane 1000 yards away.

I'm sure there's a mathematic formula for determining the proper shutter speed, but I doubt any sports photojournalists bother trying to work it out. Just use as fast a shutter speed as your film and lens will allow.

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July 15, 2004

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