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Photography Question 


Shooting Silhouettes

My best friend is very good at horseback riding. I would like to get some silhouette shoots of her with her house in the full cowgirl clothes. I'm not quite sure how to do it though. I've alway been told never to shoot towards the sun. I have a pentax k-1000 and plan on using iford black and white film. Any tips?

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June 30, 2004


  sorry, I meant to say that I want to shot some silhouettes of her and her horse.

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June 30, 2004


John Wright
  Here's a couple of tips...

1. Shoot just before sunrise or just as the sun sets. Alternatively, make sure the sun is obscured by an object (like a large cloud).

2. Meter for the sky. Pick a nice spot in the sky that you want to have as your focal point, then re-compose to include your friend and shoot.

3. Watch the background. Remember that you will be basically blacking out your friend and the horse. If there is a tree line in the background your friend and the horse will merge into the blackness.

4. Use a Red #25 filter (or an Orange). This will increase the dramatic effect of the sky.

5. Always use a tripod - you'll get much clearer photos every time!

Hope that helps! 8-)

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June 30, 2004

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