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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Wendy Goodman

Nightime Sports Photography

I love taking sports photography especially of our local high school football team. But the games are at night, at and outdoor stadium. What are your tips for taking photos in this situation? Is a higher speed film the only improvement I can make?

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August 26, 2000


Jay Wetherill
Ranger batter, broken bat & ball

Jay Wetherill

I am an amateur sports photographer who shoots minor league baseball under the lights almost every night. I'll be glad to pass on to you what a pro passed on to me last year.

First, what type of camera are you using? There are 2 types of settings on most cameras - a "TV" and an "AV". TV is for manually setting exposure and shutter speeds. AV allows the camera to pick the best combination for the existing light. If your camera has an "AV" setting, look at your lens and get the lens opening number (4 or 4.5 or 5.6 or what ever) and set your camera on AV and set the camera for that maximum (highest) number (if you are using a zoom it could range from 4.0 to 6.7, use 6.7)

Then load the high speed film (use 400 or 800 or 1000 asa). The camera will automatically give you the "fastest" shots for the film & light available.

Attached is a picture I took at 8:30 p.m. under stadium lights with a 170-500mm zoom lens @ f6.5 using 400 asa film. This image was scanned from a photo but you will get the idea.

Jay Wetherill
Englewood, FL

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August 29, 2000

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