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  27693 Questions
Last Activity
  windows 95
Can I get by with usng Windows 95 with a Sony Mavica MVC-200 digital cameraThanks...
December 08, 2002
  How to shoot Lightening
On several occasions, I have attempted to 'expand my horizons' by shooting a lightening storm at night (and very unsuccesfully). I have the Nikon N90s with a 24-120mm and a 20-300mm zoom l...
April 19, 2002
  Darkroom Techniques - Dodging and Burning
I see on various Web sites terms such as dodging and burning. I'd like to know what these terms mean, and any further information on what a professional lab can do when I order an enlargement ...
April 17, 2002
I can't to afford to buy a 400mm lens and I shoot a lot of film on sporting events, especially baseball. Is there a compatible telecoverter for a Tamron 28-300mm f/3/5-6/3 ld aspherical with an...
April 19, 2002
  Shooting Daylight Interiors
I want to shoot interiors. I've used hot lights,(too direct); monolights at night, (too many dark corners, and dark windows); monolights--daytime, still dark corners with blown out windows or n...
April 17, 2002
  Capturing Motion of People
I am trying to capture kicks and punches being thrown during my child's karate lessons. Everytime I snap the button, the action is over before it registers the motion. What do I need to do to...
April 27, 2002
  Camera accessories price list
Where can I find the prize list for all the camera accessories specifically for filters and filter hood/holder. I need the information quite urgently. Thanx in advance, Aruna...
April 16, 2002
  How to shoot a band at a concert?
How do you shoot a band at a concert with low lighting? If you leave the shutter open longer the images tend to be blurry if the band moves around alot. So, how on earth do you get good pictures ...
April 19, 2002
  Films to Use for Rock Band
I am not a pro - I only have Nikon N60 - but I would like to take nice pictures of my brother's rock band in dark, smoky bars. I used 1600 speed color film and a couple of the pictures were oka...
April 20, 2002
  what resolution to store digital images
What resolution would be best to store digital images for family purposes? I know that most home printers can do 300 dpi...would this be best, considering future improvements? ...
July 16, 2006
  Course Requirements for Understanding Exposure
Regarding the Understanding Exposure workshop - What are the requirements for the course? What equipment will I need to complete the projects, forward my work, be evaluated, etc. - besides a comput...
April 16, 2002
  studio lighting
Hi, I am new to studio lighting and am looking for a beginner's set like seen in Freestyle mag. What is the difference between stobe and monolights? I am looking to just do informal portrait o...
April 16, 2002
  How to Shoot Sunsets and City Lights
Hi, how do I shoot at nighttime for city lights and sunset?...
April 15, 2002
  March Photo contest
I was wondering when you will post the winners of the March photo contest?...
April 16, 2002
  ISO 50 film usage
what kind of pictures can I take with iso 50 (Ilford) I used some with backlighting from a window in an antique store, and they are beautiful...but when I toke pic of my husband on the golf course...
April 15, 2002
  gray, flat thin negatives
Why are my negatives coming out so flat, thin and gray? I use Ilford 400...
April 15, 2002
  still life sharpness
I would like to know how to get the sharpest pictures possible on a still life........I use Ilford Pan F 50 film...
April 15, 2002
  about scanning TPs
is it possible to scan TPs in the same scanner in which Prints are scanned?...
April 15, 2002
  best way to charge for services...
Hi everyone, I have some questions on pricing. I get so confused on the best way to charge people for my services. I shoot a lot of local bands, I normally charge 50.00 session,1 location, 1 roll, ...
April 14, 2002
  Eliminating Glare and Reflections
I just got my first polarizer (linear). I noticed that, when I tried taking a picture of an aquarium, my flash unit's reflection appeared in many of the images. My polarizer's supposed to...
April 14, 2002