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  27693 Questions
Last Activity
  Exposure with Studio Flash
I shoot on 6"x 6" Medium Format, with Prime Lenses. When I take a Studio shot using the normal 8Omm lens,at exposure indicated on my Flashmeter, everything is fine. When I use the 15Omm Lens, I fin...
May 07, 2002
  matte and mounted
what is the difference between mounting and matting a photo to submit for contest and such. just starting out, so this stuff like arabic to me...
May 07, 2002
What do you think about New York Insitute of Photography?...
May 24, 2002
  Photo Contests
When will the results of the April contest be made available online?...
May 13, 2002
  How would I get my own book?
I am interested in making my own coffee table book, how would I go about getting this done. What publishers would be the best at this? Just looking for any advice on getting this done. Thanks...
August 10, 2002
  mulitple filters
Can I use an enhancing filter and a polarizing filter together when taking picture out side with bright sun?...
May 06, 2002
  Fuji Films in India
Hi there,So far I have been shooting with Fuji Reala since it was easily available in Germany and one of the best negative film in consumer lineup. But in India its not available. Instead they reco...
April 08, 2003
  Test shots on slide film
I have always been a Nikon prime lens user.. but a car accident left me with a bad back so now cannot travel with all my gear... so I will buy my first zoom lens. The problem is that the Nikon 2...
May 06, 2002
  Uploading a Photo (delete option)
Hi Jim,I was wondering if there was a way in the future to implement a delete option after uploading photos. Sometimes I have noticed they don't look right and want to make changes to adjust t...
June 03, 2002
  how to shoot in a dark night club
my husband is in a rock band and I want to take pictures of the band while theyare playing in a dark nightclub. the pics always turn out dark, I have a epson 750 z what settings should I use...
May 09, 2002
  How to Compare Macro Lenses
How do I go about comparing Macro lenses? Should I stick with buying a lens that is the same brand as my camera (Minolta)? I am interested in nature photography, and I will be using the new macro ...
May 07, 2002
  Slides made into prints +enlargements
My question is about getting my slides made into prints. . . and then enlarged. I have done this before via laser processing and have been very happy. . I cannot remember who I used, however. Do ...
May 05, 2002
  Photo Contest One Per Day Entered.
Well I was so keen to sign up to start enjoying your great website that I broke a contest rule without thinking.I was so keen to upload my photo's and to enter them in the contest that I failed...
June 03, 2002
  Leica Minilux vs. Contax T3
Since I want a high quality compact camera, with the option of manual override, and would never take an SLR with me due to its size and weight. I do care more about lens quality than having a zoom,...
May 10, 2002
  Where is the Light Box
Where can I find the "Light Box"?...
May 11, 2002
  F/16 Rule Guide
I once saw a pretty comprehensive list of the standard f/16 or "Sunny 16" rule exposures. It listed not only the norms, such as sunny day, open shade, closed shade, etc. but had a good list of spec...
May 04, 2002
  How to correctly sign a fine art photograph?
How do I correctly sign a fine art photograph before it is matted and framed behind glass? -Do I use a pencil or pen and sign on the matt?-What information should I include and where (name, date, t...
May 05, 2002
  Canon AE-1
I recently accquired a Canon AE-1 from my brother, who has had it for 15 years or more(he thinks), it has only had 1 roll of film shot through it, and is in better condition than the cameras I curr...
May 05, 2002
  Action Photos and 1600 Speed Film
I am using Fuji Super HG 1600 speed film to photograph youth softball games. I chose this film for the fast action. The pictures are developing fine, but they appear to have a somewhat grainy app...
May 24, 2002
  is f/1.4 on a 50 mm lens...
is f/ 1.4 too much on a 50 mm lens for taking pictures in a bar, should it be a higher #? (how did u guess I have no ides what I am doing? ) I got the 50mm lens, the fast fast what is an ...
May 04, 2002