BetterPhoto Q&A: Digital Cameras and Accessories

What to know before buying a digital camera and buying digital accessories.

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  2878 Questions
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  Canon Lenses
Hey Everyone, I'm going to be buying a lense here pretty soon for my canon DSLR and was wondering if I could get some advice. The two lenses im looking at are the Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L and th...
February 01, 2005
  Buying First Digital SLR
I have been researching this site and quite a bit of other digital review websites online and I have finally settled my sites on a Digital Rebel. This will be my first Digital SLR purchase and I&#...
January 31, 2005
  Going digital after using35mm SLR camera
For the last 20 years I have been using my beloved Olympus OM 10 SLR 35mm camera with manual override, and now I have decided to get a digital camera. I've read up on digital cameras but have ...
January 28, 2005
  Any reason to upgrade from Coolpix 5700?
I was on the verge of selling of my Coolpix 5700 and getting a Nikon D70 or Canon 20D, when I realized that:1. The lens of CP 5700 is the 135 equiv. of 35~280, and the f value is 2.8~4.2. The Nikon...
January 26, 2005
  What camera to buy?
I am currently using an Olympus Camedia C-740 UltraZoom which I bought for the 10X optical zoom. I found that my favorite part of the camera is the super macro mode. I now find I need more zoom t...
February 03, 2005
  Which is the best digital camera for me?
Hi all, I would like to buy a good and economical digi cam for myself. The most important thing is it gotta be great with underwater pics. Anyone has good suggestions?...
February 02, 2005
  DSLR versus Point and Shoot
Hello everyone,I would like to know if someone could explain the difference between a DSLR (what does this stand for?) and a Point and Shoot camera? Is the Panasonic FZ20 considered a point and sho...
January 30, 2005
  Fastest CF card for Nikon Coolpix 5700
I'm looking at larger, faster compact flash cards for my Coolpix 5700. I know my camera doesn't support the "Write Accelerated" technology (or equivalent), but Nikon won't tell me wheth...
January 24, 2005
  Portable Image Storage
Several months ago, I asked about buying a Digital Rebel or point-and-shoot as a backup to my 10D for traveling. I then went on vacation and never responded to the suggestions upon returning. For t...
January 31, 2005
  Is my camera adequate?
I have a Canon PowerShot A60. I take pictures of our beach houses that are used on several rental by owner sites. My shots are fairly decent and by comparison better than nearly all others on the...
January 31, 2005
  Buying a camera
I am wanting to buy a digital camera having saved up about $300. I could probably go a bit higher if necessary. What I want to do is photograph butterflies. I have been doing this for a few years o...
February 02, 2005
  Canon, Olympus, or Konica?
I’m looking to buy my first digital camera, but can’t make up my mind. Mostly I’m trying to decide between the Canon A95, the Olympus Stylus 500, and the Konica Minolta X50. Ideally, I woul...
January 20, 2005
  Canon EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 USM ZOOM Lens
Hello. Recently purchased a Digital Rebel that same with the Canon 18-55mm lens. Thinking about buying a Canon EF 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 USM ZOOM Lens to replace the kit lens. It's supposed to be...
January 20, 2005
  switching from film to digital
Hi I'm shooting film for as long as I can remember, now I'm seriously thinking about going digital all the way for wedding,nature you name. Is this a good move....
January 29, 2005
  How to buy a digital camera
Sir, I would like to buy a SONY DS-w1 with 5.1 mega pixel digital camera, Is it possible to take a pictures of distance object like butterfly & animals, please guide me weather it is good or sh...
January 17, 2005
  IT SHIPPED! Canon 20D
Well, about 7 months ago I posted a happy message about ordering the S5000 and blathered something like I wanted a camera that would allow me to find out if I liked photography before making too bi...
January 18, 2005
Jim, I'm ready to take the plunge. I want to buy a nice digital set-up that I can use with or without panoramic. Can you give me some suggestions on cameras and panoramic lenses. Thanks!!T...
January 17, 2005
  Buying a Camera
I am looking to buy a new digital camera. My current camera has only 2 MP's and is seriously underperforming for me. I have been doing some research and was hoping you all could point me in the...
January 17, 2005
  Purchasing a digital camera....
Hi, Thanks for all the great info so far. As for the Nikon D70 being too much camera for me, it's more a weight issue than a cash issue. Also I'm a little intimidated by the whole interchan...
January 15, 2005
  Help to find a good shop in New Orleans
I live in Brasil and a friend of mine is going to travel to New Orleans soon. I want to buy a Nikon D70 SRL Digital camerera and I need some help to find a good shop in New Orleans to buy this Came...
January 15, 2005