BetterPhoto Q&A: Free Photo Contest

Find out about our simple free photo contests and enter a photo to win! Here's a link for additional information: Free Photo Contest

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  2395 Questions
Last Activity
  Still Life Category please...
I LOVE the new categories in the monthly photo contest. One problem though is that many still lifes now don't seem to have a home. Doesn't seem right to compare them to details and macros...
October 29, 2004
  Can anyone give me some good critisism of my photo
I'm wondering if my pictures are really bad, my husband gave my this camera for my birthday last year and he says that I schould learn more. Thats way I'm here, to see all your lovely pics ...
August 31, 2004
  How Can I Edit the Caption of My Photo?
I want to edit my photo description and I don't know how. The photo is entered in the contest - if it's important. Thank you....
August 28, 2004
  Changing title of a picture entry
I misspelled a word in my entry of the title. Can it be changed? I wanted it to say "Pa. Stormy Sunset" and I misspelled Stormy.Thanks...
August 25, 2004
  how do i find pictures
once I submit a picture , how do I find it another time ?...
August 24, 2004
  How to Delete an Entry?
How can I delete my contest entry?The submission guidelines are misleading, in that it states the ideal size is 500x750, but my image was resized to 480 on the short side. This caused a loss of sh...
August 24, 2004
  Contest Entries
I have forgotten which images I have submitted and to which categories I submitted them. Is there some way to look this up without going through each and every category?...
August 23, 2004
I'm trying to upload my photo to the contest and I get the error page that says that the image may be to big but it's smaller than the size sugested. What seem to bee the problem?...
August 19, 2004
  Photo Entries
Can anyone tell me How I can locate how many Photos I have entered this month into the contest. I know how many I have uploaded. But I am not sure how to tell which ones are in the contest?...
August 31, 2004
  who and how are the judges voteing??
Hi all I was just wondering how the judging is done on the contest, Let me pick a topic we just had a freedom contest and the finalist are up, alot of the shots are what we call digital because it ...
August 25, 2004
this is about isp and jsut went to the better buss bureau in owning mills md and waaas going to submit report on company and suprising no reportso nthem for the thousand of people that say they did...
August 10, 2004
  Where are my pictures?
In between reading and viewing I've been trying to find which pictures I've entered in the contest so far this month. Is there a way to do this? ...
August 10, 2004
  clarity of photo
I uploaded a photo in the flower category and it is not as clear as the one that I have on my computer. I can actually see the water droplet and cannot on your website. What can I do to make the ...
August 25, 2004
  International Library of Photography
Thanks everyone for the information.The only thing I'm left wondering is...Has anyone ever actually won any prizes?? lol...
August 16, 2004
  Category Clarification: Special Effects
In the photo contest, isn't "Digital Darkroom" for digitally created effects and "Special Effects" for more traditionally created effects? When I was looking through "Special Effects," I was se...
April 01, 2005
  Seeking Feedback On My Member Gallery
Hi:I have been a member since Early June>Seen many stunning photographs!While I have received a few compliments,I would appreciate some feedback on my images.I have much more to learn and Much, mu...
August 15, 2004
thanx for the help with my last question, i am a novice and want to learn, do I have yo pay to upload my photos, i just need to get them out there so that I can get many opinions.You probably get t...
August 02, 2004
  Using a host of our own?
Can I use my own host to store my photos for the photo contest?...
July 31, 2004
  best photos of 2003 book
i paid for the best photos of 2003 from the international library of photography.have not recieved it yet.i entered contests with them in the past and my photo was selected to appear in a book. I r...
August 01, 2004
  how does the contest work?
I know this is probably a dumb question, but the runners up have no chance at being a finalist or winner right?...
August 03, 2004