BetterPhoto Q&A: Photography Careers and Making Money

Have questions regarding making money with your camera? This Q&A helps you better understand the business of photography. For tips on driving traffic to your website, check out the workshops from Search Engine Academy.

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  2192 Questions
Last Activity
  My New Blog!!!
I just created a new blog for my photography!Check it out, and comment on what you think of it. Waiting for your comments, Ruth...
November 12, 2007
  Where to find photography jobs
What is the best way to find general photography work? Are their any popular photography job sites? Thanks,Joe...
May 19, 2008
  How/where to sell prints
Hello,For the past four years I have been doign wedding photography... Pretty straight forward, I shoot the wedding and my customers purchase prints from their proof album. What I would like to do...
November 30, 2007
Am I required to get a release from every person in my photos to post them online to sell? Example - high school basketball games - can I shoot both teams and put the pictures on a website for sal...
November 13, 2007
I will be scanning slides from a professional wildlife photographer and printing them out and also making a high resolution cd/dvd. I have the pricing for the prints worked out but what should I c...
November 07, 2007
  Sitting/Basic Fees
Hi! I have been asked by a couple of different people to go to their homes and take "non-posed" pictures of their children. I am strickly an amature and have never done anything like this before. I...
November 05, 2007
  How should l charge for a candid shoot, cd cover a
I am a beginning pro photog. I've been asked to take some candids for a cd cover, and possibly booklet photos. My question is how and what should I be charging?...
November 07, 2007
  What hoops do I need to jump through?
I am planning on doing a book based primarily of images of "my town" (i.e.,businesses,parks,landmarks,etc.)What releases do I need in order to sell it? ...
November 09, 2007
  Moisture on Slides
Help! I was going through my slides and noticed moisture on several of them. They are in 8x10 sheets made to hold slides, and those are in 3-ring binders. The binders are stored in a large plast...
November 13, 2007
  Printing Websites
If I was looking for a website to host/sell my images (besides this one of course!) and my choices were PrintRoom or SmugMug. What would you suggest and why? Also... I'm realizing that I need a...
June 19, 2008
  Stock agencies
I am new to the stock agencies but I am getting to where I would like to find out more. Is there a fee for uploading photos for the agencies to sell? Any other suggestions for someone NEW intereste...
November 30, 2007
  photography course
I have seen betterphoto couse, but, I am not too good on online classes. The techonology here is not that good, dtas y I need to go directly for a short course in photography. Any Idea of a good sc...
October 27, 2007
  training program
Is there any where in the world, particularly in europe or north America where I can go for a short course/ training in photography. I want to learn the gimmicks of photography so I can use it for ...
October 27, 2007
  copyright dates
I'm new to selling my photographs and I like to add my name and year to the back of my photographs. My question is: If I have old photographs that I'm just now printing and selling, do I us...
December 09, 2007
  How to come up w/ price list for portraits
Anyone that has made the plunge to quit their day job and become a studio photographer, or if you kept your day job and do it on the side, how did you come up with your price lists and package deal...
October 23, 2007
  If you use a stuffed animal in a stock shot...
If you use a stuffed animal in a stock shot, do you need a manufacturer's release of some kind?Thanks!...
November 16, 2007
  What do your business cards look like?
Hi all,I saw a similar thread on another site and found that it was very interesting to see the variety of business cards that are out there.I will go first to start the ball rolling....
November 06, 2007
  Charging Sales Tax
Just curious how everyone handles the sales tax issue? Do you charge it based on the total dollar amount of order placed by the client? Or by what it actually costs you to print the order? Just i...
October 20, 2007
  When do you know your work is good enough to start
When do or when did you know you were ready to start your business? To become a professional photographer? I want to one day become an on location portrait photographer, for now I capture my chil...
October 22, 2007
  Can I resell pictures of billboards?
If I try to sell a picture of an existing billboard with a funny saying or unique look etc...what licensing or copywrite issues am I running into? What if any difference would it make if the billbo...
October 18, 2007