BetterPhoto Q&A: Photography Careers and Making Money

Have questions regarding making money with your camera? This Q&A helps you better understand the business of photography. For tips on driving traffic to your website, check out the workshops from Search Engine Academy.

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  2192 Questions
Last Activity
  Photo Biz
I want to spend less than $2,000 on a digital camera & lens to start. What is THE best camera I could get? And where ? Thanks. Laura...
February 19, 2005
  Tearsheets: What Are They?
I've been looking through the 2005 Photographers Market, and I've seen that a lot of companies want a tearsheet along with a resume and all number of other things. I would like to know what...
February 11, 2005
I getting ready to prepare my resume and I am not quite sure what I should included for a photographers resume. If anyone could give me any advice on what to include and in what order I would be g...
February 11, 2005
  Dog Photo Release Form?
Does anyone has a dog photo release form or know where I can find one? I am starting my own businees and do not want to get in trouble for not getting a release. I'm not sure how it should be w...
February 13, 2005
  Depressed photo economy??
I've been surfing around the net quite a bit and have run across several people refering to the photography market as being a "depressed photo economy". Can enyone expand on this thoery and wh...
February 10, 2005
  basics for a studio
Hi!I am opening my own photography business in March and I am very excited. I have rented a space in my town that I will also use for another business. I've planned this part out: my rent wil...
February 10, 2005
  Jobs taking pictures for banks, insurance companys
I keep seeing ads for a program that promises to show you how to earn money freelancing (I assume) taking pictures and filling out some information on behalf of banks, insurance companies etc. for ...
April 15, 2005
  Single source for policies?
Since this seems like the place to ask about copyright information and model releases, I have a question about an instance that really burned me. I was in a mall waiting for my girlfriend to finish...
February 07, 2005
  Calling all photographers...Need lots of advice...
Okay here's the deal....I love taking pictures, I really love it. I have never taken a class and I have yet to figure out all the termanology(sp) of a camera.I know if I really knew what I was...
March 17, 2006
  signing prints
Hello, my question is about signing prints that I might make to display in my house or a friend of mine. Possible if I sell one I would like to have my name on it. Somebody suggested a sharpie perm...
February 07, 2005
  Simultaneous Multiple Magazine Submissions
Hi all,I'm new here and have a question about sending digital flower/nature pictures to multiple magazines. I have about seven different magazines I can send them to, which begs the question: C...
February 07, 2005
  Photography equipt. insurance
Hi all, I have just been told by my homeowners insurance, that they will not cover my equipt. if I use it to make money. They said even selling one photo. I do sell some photos at galleries, but no...
February 09, 2005
  Question about releases at amusement parks
Do I need to get a release if I take a picture of a character at a well know amusement park such as in one of the parades they have at those parks or in their displays? The characters are fully mas...
February 05, 2005
  Model Releases: Dogs, Buildings, People!
Can I be sued for selling a dog photo without written permission by the owner?...
February 17, 2005
  Selling Photos
I have a client who would like to buy a couple of my digital images and enlarge them 35x25 and 40x30. How much should I charge for them to use my image?...
February 03, 2005
  How to Get Started Selling My Photography
I feel my photos are good enough to be offering services to such places as insurance companies, real estate agencies, and the like. My number 1 question: How do I go about it? My friend said she ...
February 10, 2005
  Wildlife/nature photo schools
I am currently looking for a good photography school that specializes in wildlife/nature/landscape/outdoor course. Please advise me if you know of such a school! I may become one of the unemploye...
February 03, 2005
  Copyrighting Photographs
How can I copyright my pictures?...
February 09, 2005
  Boudior Photography
I was wondering. What is the cost for professional boudior portraits?...
January 27, 2005
  Help! Help! What Do I Charge?
I have had many friends wanting me to take pictures of their children and families. I dont know where to begin to know what to charge....Can you guys help me?How much, how many pictures would that...
January 26, 2005