BetterPhoto Q&A: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Wondering about how to acheive a particular photographic technique or effect? You will find answers on how to do certain photographic tasks here and in this informative article: Ten Tips to Improve Photographic Technique.

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  501 Questions
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  depth of field
Just purchased a canon 85mm 1.8 lens - I will be taking pictures of children, what is the safest fstop to assure a blurry background, but not fuzz any part of my subject - is there a general rule o...
August 20, 2002
  Darkroom or Lightroom - which is better?
I am thinking of buying a complete darkroom set of equipment for black & white printing. Is it wise -considering the move now is into the digital age? Should I instead budget for a scanner an...
February 28, 2006
  How To Shoot Inside a Gymnasium
I shoot sports photgraphy, or should I say have been trying to teach myself over the last couple of years and have the hardest time shooting inside a gynamsium. The lights in all the schools, at l...
August 19, 2002
  How do I
How do I take slides of my photographs? ...
August 22, 2002
  where to get rounded corner wallet pictures
Is there somewhere I could call to get order forms for rounded corner wallet pictures like you get for graduation pictures? Or, Can I get software to do this myself? I would like a way to order fir...
October 23, 2004
  Which number of F-stop best to shoot indoor
Hi, I used 1/125 f-5.6 for indoor of portrait with normal room light, and I just got my photo and it turn into yellow colour so is that because of my setup wrong way??ThanksDouglas...
August 23, 2002
  Learning to Focus-Sharp photos
I hope this ? isn't listed 2x's. I have been using a digcam for 3 yrs now and am still having trouble getting great sharp pics. I've read the book (GREAT book!) for tips but I wonder if...
August 19, 2002
  Digital vs. Optical Zoom
Ok, I've gotten the book How to take great photos and LOVE IT) but I really don't know the difference (still) between DIGITAL AND ...
August 22, 2002
Ok, I've gotten the book (How to take...and LOVE IT) but I really don't know the difference (still) between DIGITAL AND OPTICAL zoom. Perhaps I've forgotten? :) My photos LOOK good on t...
August 26, 2002
  Impressionism and Jim Zuckerman
I recently visited Jim Zuckerman's Web site through, and there were photos in his gallery of impressionism. I was wondering if you ...
August 29, 2002
  Filing system for slide and negatives
I need advise on devising a decent filing system for organizing slides and negatives. I would like a system that is easy to use, efficient, and will grow as my image library grows.What systems do y...
August 18, 2002
  what equiptment is must have for starting a studio
I am starting my own photography studio.. at first I just want some equiptment to play around on and build a portfolio in my spare time.. I need some information on what equiptment is must have......
August 20, 2002
  My Nikon N65
I have had my Nikon N65 for about 9 months. I was wondering if it was possible to override the automatic iso setting. I havent found it (if it is possible) in the manual. So I was wondering if th...
August 17, 2002
  Operating in manual mode
I'm having trouble using my Canon EOS-3in the manuual mode. The pictures are usually soft in focus and either under or over exposed.Moved up from a Nikon FA and Minolta X-700 to the Canon EOS-3...
August 18, 2002
  Black and White film for low light setting/wedding
My friend just asked me to take some decent reception and dance shots at her wedding as their professional photographer is leaving after the wedding. I'd love to use a mixture of B&W and color...
August 25, 2002
  poses for group shots
I am shooting an inside group photo of 7 Mechanical Engineers for their new brochure. They want to be viewed as fun people and get rid of the old stereotype. Is there a website out there or a boo...
August 15, 2002
  Neutral Density Filters
I have a question about exposure when using neutral density filters. Sometimes I go to our beach and the sun is very bright shining off the surface of the water which obviously influences exposure....
August 15, 2002
  cemetary night shots
I want to take a photo of a concrete angel in a local cemetary. I want to take the shot at night. Street lights throw an erie light on the statue so I believe I will have enough illumination. I ...
August 13, 2002
  When and What filters can i use for both C/B&W
What kind of filters should I be using for a particular oacssion and how does it vary between Color and Black and white...
August 15, 2002
  How to shoot effective images at night
I want to shoot nice clear images with my digital camera at night. The background is usually too dark or the person is too bright. I know there is a way tio adjust focal length and exposure time on...
August 12, 2002