BetterPhoto Q&A: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

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  11033 Questions
Last Activity photo contest.
I recently received an invitation to the 2004 International Society of Photographers Convention and Symposium in Washington DC. According to the invitation, I am up for Amateur Photographer of the ...
March 31, 2007
What is a moderately priced scanner that you recommend?...
June 12, 2006
  Digital vs Medium Format Slide Film
I'm torn between digital and slide photography, and am thinking of selling my Hasselblad system and my Pentax system and going to digital. Should I? And if I do what type of digital camera sho...
March 31, 2004
  how to make posters out of digital pictures?
how could I get large posters out of nice 35mm negatives? will u b able to make posters out of digital pictures? will I be able 2 email u the pictures I wish to turn into posters?//...
September 17, 2005
  Stitching software
Can anyone recommend good stitching software and/or plug ins?...
September 21, 2006
  Can you use existing lenses if you go digital?
I own a Pentax ZX7 and have invested quite heavily in a 200 mm lense and 20 mm lense, filters etc ... running to the lab and waiting a day is frustrating. The thought of immediate satisfaction with...
January 22, 2005
  Sig 9
Hello everyone! I am looking for some feedback on the Sig 9... I cannot locate one in a photography shop to put my hands on it!1. how is their new technology?2. what are the drawbacks?3. user frien...
September 12, 2005
I have Canon 10D and Canon 28-135mm (45-210) lens. What would be an effective way to extend my tele capability: extention tubes, teleconventor or 75-300mm lens?What are the pros and cons of each ap...
February 17, 2004
  Shooting the night sky
Hi, There has been some really clear skies and great views of the stars and moon but I dont seem to be able to get anything half decet captured. I either end up with just a blank image instead of t...
September 11, 2005
  APO lenses
I'm looking into buying a 400mm APO lens. My question is, what is "APO", and what does it do? I can't find anything on this anywhere. Please help....
February 11, 2004
  Canon 300D problem ERROR 99
I just bought a Canon EOS 300D, just the body.The lens I use is a Sigma 28-300mm 1:3.5-6.3, performed very well with a EOS 500N.The problem is every time I try to use a creative program like Tv, Av...
September 09, 2005
  Photoshop Upgrade, Is it worth it?
I have Photoshop 7 on my compter now and am getting more familiar with it everyday thanks to a course at a local college. I know that Photoshop CS is on the market. Do you think it is worth it to...
September 10, 2005
  Digital Camera
I currently am taking pictures with a Canon EOS Rebel TI 35 mm, and would like to get a digital camera. I am having a hard time find one that is still user friendly and compatable with the lenses I...
December 19, 2006
  Digital prints
I used to get my digital prints from dotphoto who print off a dye-sublimation machine, but the results have ranged from pretty good to pretty bad. Recently I had my prints developed at Wolf camera ...
March 09, 2004
  Printer choice
Anyone have a suggestions on purchasing a printer? I am looking a high quality printer that I can sell photos to wedding and portrait clients.Thanks,Phil...
March 09, 2004
  Online site with more PS oriented artwork
I'm really enjoying Better Photo and would like to find a site as cool but more devoted to Photoshop designed artwork and manipulated photos. Any ideas or advice in this direction? Thanks!...
September 12, 2005
  digital help
i made an image of my child and put wing and flowers, painted some fairy dust,it looked great on the computer but when I took to the photo center to prind at 8x10 it looked horrible! some flowers l...
September 09, 2005
  How to capture a truly good digital image that loo
Where is it all going?...
February 10, 2004
  Aperture and Other Info on Each Shot
Is there a way to get the file info: shutter, aperture, lense, iso, etc., etc., from the jpeg file through Photoshop Elements, or do I need to make a note from the info of my camera as I save the s...
February 04, 2004
Better photo...
September 09, 2005