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  11033 Questions
Last Activity
  to buy lens for camera
i am intrested to buy lens for my camera from any retail store in toronto, I am looking for -- tamron af 28-300mm xr lens compatable with minolta slr dynax 505si or minolta 50mm f/2.8 macro lens fo...
September 12, 2005
  why are indoor pictures overexposed
I've been taking outdoor pictures for some time now and decided to venture to indoor "studio" type photography. I bought some nice lights and a backdrop, but the people always look washed out ...
February 19, 2004
  Why do I get too much red in my pictures?
I have a Sony Cybershot DSC F-707. My photos have a tendency to pick up too much red, especially if there is a lot of red, ie,carpet or draperies, in the shot. Also my reds do not come out in the...
February 23, 2004
September 17, 2005
  Best Filter and Best Photo Processing
I have just gotten my first "real gig" as an event photographer. I've also just purchased a Canon EOS D-10 with a Canon 28-135 lens. This "gig" will be photographing an 80th birthday party on...
February 18, 2004
  How to take photo of sun-setting?
Hi,Last week I went to Mark Twain Lake and took few sun setting photos...Here are my two concerns:1. When the sun is still yellow, I took sun with its reflections on frozen lake. When uploaded to m...
February 18, 2004
  How to set up indoor lighting for portraits
Although my focus in the past has been nature photography, I would like to expand my avenues and learn more about taking indoor portraits and still photography. I am planning on ordering a starter ...
February 19, 2004
  Dust on Prints
I want to scan some prints into my computer in order to print some enlargments. On that note, I have a couple of questions. First, what is the best resolution for creating 8x10 enlargements? And,...
February 19, 2004
  Laptops for your digital photography
Courious if anyone has a laptop they like or one they are looking at. I want to designate a lap top to my photography so I dont bog down my home cd burner here, so in my laptop I am ...
February 22, 2004
  how to turn off white balance
I have been using my didgital rebel for studio shots with hot lights. I can take the same exact shot twice and they can come out completely different. I think the auto white balancekeeps changing t...
February 17, 2004
  Telephoto lens & Light
If I attach my RAYNOX DCR-1.54x Telephoto LENS to my fuji S7000 will this allow more or less light into the camera???? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks, ...
September 16, 2005
  Digital Filters
I have just ordered a Canon EOS D10 with a Canon 28-135 lens (72mm). Is there a difference between a "digital" lens filter and a 35mm lens filter? The reason I ask is because while researching wh...
February 20, 2004
For those of you who have and do use Paint Shop Pro 7-8, how do you create a collage of 2 or more pictures? I want to frame 3 pictures horizontally with approximate 3/4" between them with some tex...
September 16, 2005
  High Speed Photos
How can you tell if a digital camera takes great high speed photos. Is it just the more expensive the better? Also, what digital camera would be best for high speed photos under $500?...
February 16, 2004
  How Has Your Photography Really Improved ?
When I browse the images posted on betterphoto I see that the vast majority of them are taken with a digital of one kind or another. Very few it seems use film anymore. I suppose my question is i...
February 23, 2004
  Blurry Close-Ups
I have a new Nikon Coolpix 5700 and love it so far except that sometimes when I take still close-ups, my photos come out blurry for no reason. Any ideas why?...
February 15, 2004
  Opinion On My Picture
I have taken this pic with Sony Mavica fd-90. I don't know what is wrong in this pic. Can you tell me what should I do to improve this photograph?...
February 22, 2004
  opinion on my picture
i have taken this pic with sony mavica fd-90. I dont know what is wrong in this pic. can u tell me what should I do to improve this photograph?...
June 12, 2006
  un-locking pictures
When I open Photoshop Elements 2 to make changes to some of my pictures I am unable to save them. I get a message that tells me that the picture is in a locked mode and that I need to go to window...
February 15, 2004
  printer purchanse ideas?
Anyone have a printer recommendation for high quality prints that I can sell to clients? Thanks...
March 09, 2004