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  5657 Questions
Last Activity
  Unsharp Mask vs High Pass Filter
I've learned 2 different techniques for sharpening. The Unsharp Mask and the High Pass Filter. I was wondering which one is better or is it just personal preference? It seems to me the resul...
September 12, 2013
  Contest and Favorite Votes
For those who haven't noticed, a change announced at . Discussion going on at the end of the Changes to BP Website thread....
December 25, 2013
  Upgrading Photoshop
I have Photoshop CS3, and was thinking of upgrading to CS6. Now, I find that Adobe is pushing the Photoshop Creative Cloud. Which is advisable - upgrading to CS6 or the Creative Cloud?...
October 05, 2013
  Latest Changes to BP website
This discussion isn't really about the contest, but there doesn't seem to be a place for general discussions of the website so I'll put it here.Jim announced some changes recently - eve...
August 16, 2013
  Forward I received in an email....
I got this forward in the email and wanted to share....Perfect for BetterPhoto member's.I loved it.Life is like a cameraFocus on what is important,Capture the good times,Develop from the negati...
August 28, 2013
  Editor's Pick
Why has Editor's Pick changed? I don't see nearly as many as I used to....
July 19, 2013
  New category for contest.
I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack for this,but here goes. How about a new category for photos that aren't digitally enhanced in any way. After all isn't that what photography was all...
July 19, 2013
  Categorizing in the Gallery
How do I get my photo into my gallery and categorize it?...
June 24, 2013
  gift course
I was given a gift certificate for a course, which is good for a year. Because of health problems, I have not taken advantage of the gift, and the year is almost up. Can I extend the gift for a lit...
June 17, 2013
  camera repairs
I love my olympus E-500 camera but dropped it and now it is not working (Focusing). Would it wise to repair or buy a new camera....
June 04, 2013
Why can't I find an option on this site to update my galleries? I want to add new galleries based on trips taken, etc....
June 03, 2013
  Artist's photos and mad New Yorkers
An artist has a show of his photos that he took from his apartment window of apartments across the street.
Would like to see what develops out of this.
June 10, 2013
  May 2013 NO EP Feedback
It seems like lots of folks received a way lower EP count on their April entries :( This is a thread where we can post those contest entries that did not receive an EP that you would like to receiv...
July 09, 2013
  Canon 5D Mark III multiple cards
How do I designate which card will be used? I am unable to locate the answer in the instruction manual. Somehow it switches cards without shooting video at all! Surely this is a simple setting w...
May 04, 2013
  1.8 lense...Good Choice?
I am thinking of buying either the Canon 50 mm 1.8 or the 85 mm 1.8. Anyone have an opinion? I can't afford the L series lenses right now or I would do that but between these two? Advice?...
May 06, 2013
  Portrait Photographers and New Business
Not sure how widely reported this has been yet but since I work for a portrait studio (Portrait Innovations) we heard about it immediately. Sears and WalMart portrait studios closed their doors th...
April 19, 2013
  Your vote, please!
I have two pictures in the running for a calendar photo contest. If I win, I will donate the money to a charity. If you would like to vote for me, here is where to check it out:
April 04, 2013
  Upgrade to 5D MkIII or 1Dx
Hi allI am doing mostly wildlife( big cats and birds) and travel landscape photography.I am currently using a 7D. I have read and watched a lot of reviews of both the 5D MkII and 1Dx and now am in ...
April 07, 2013
  who is Wxeaplni?
When I went to check a comment on one of my images, everybody's name had been changed to Wxeaplni Weaplni?? HUh????...
March 25, 2013
  Problems Uploading
I have been trying since yesterday to upload a photo to my website and contest. It says it needs to upload the Aurigma Upload Suite, and then eventually, I get a link that says "software update", ...
September 09, 2013