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Category: 35mm Cameras

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Buying My First SLR Camera

I am trying to decide between the Canon Rebel 2000 and the Canon Rebel 2000 Ti. The are basically the same with the exception that the 2000 Ti offers a Depth of Field preview button. Is this a necessary feature for a beginner?

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November 30, 2002


Judith A. Clark
  It's a nice feature to have. You can see if the things you want is focus are in focus. It's not necessary, just nice to have.

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November 30, 2002


Sobia Chishti
  My Canon Rebel 2000 does have a Depth of Field preview button. I am using this camera from a couple of months and found it great.

The difference between both cameras, as far as I found, is first that the lens mount on the Rebel 2000 is made of plastic where as of Rebel Ti is made of some metal. To some people a plastic mount is a negative point since there could be a tendency to break if you switch lenses more often for a long period of time. Well, the plastic mount looked pertty durable to me. I am using a 28-200mm Canon lens. I switched a couple of times with some other lens and I never once got scared.

The other difference I found is that Rebel 2000 can shoot 1.5 frames per second while Rebel Ti can shoot more - I think 2.5. So if you are interested in sport photography, this feature really can help you.

As far as I remember the flash height of Ti when opened up is more than the Rebel 2000. This will help you if you use the long lenses.

Ok, now I'm remembering another differnce. The exposure display screen on Ti is on the back of the camera instead of with shutter button.

Go to a camera store and take in hands both cameras and see how you feel about each of them. Rebel is a good starter camera, which ever you choose.

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November 30, 2002


Donielle Baker
  I've owned a Rebel 2000 for about 3 years and love it! The one problem is the plastic lens mount. I have never had any problems myself because I tend not to change lenses to often and I leave my lens on the camera when I am finished shooting. Three out of five people in my photo class that own the rebel 2000 have had a problem with the plastic mount. It will focus the picture but will not release the shutter. Two of them had to buy new lenses, the other bought a new camera so as not to have it happen again. Go with th Ti if you plan on buying extra lenses for it, it will last longer. I'm just crossing my fingers hoping mine will always work.

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December 06, 2002

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