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Category: Camera Lenses

Photography Question 

Christy L. Thorp

What lens to buy as gift?

My fiance has a Canon EOS 3000 with a Quantaray 28-105 lens. He's had the camera for about a year and I'd like to buy him a new lens for Christmas... but there are just too many and I don't really understand what all the numbers mean.

Can anyone recommend a lens (I'd like to buy Canon) that he could have some fun with when we go hiking (photos of trees, scenery, stuff like that). Preferably under $150, possibly as high as $200, but not really more than that.

Also, any rec's on whether or not to buy a polarizer? These are used to shoot sunsets, right? or wrong?

Thanks so much...


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November 26, 2002


doug Nelson
  Your answer is cheaper than you think. The 50-mm f1.8II is an excellent lens. The sharp images will amaze you. If he likes scenics, with things like wildflowers showing up clearly in the foreground (with the background also in focus)look at the 28-mm f2.8 or the 35-mm f2. These last two may strain the budget a little. If you're willing to buy used, is an honest, trustworthy dealer in used equipment.
He already has the coverage of these lenses with his Quantaray, but nowhere near the image quality he'd get with the cheapest of those mentioned above.
There's a comment on polarizers below.

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November 26, 2002


Christy L. Thorp
  Doug -- Thank you! I checked some other reviews online and I think the 50mm/f1.8 II is perfect. I ordered it today, and since it's less expensive than I had planned, I also got him a polarizer and a tamrac backpack. Thanks again. PS. The photos on your Web site are beautiful!

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November 27, 2002

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