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Category: Accessories for Film Photographers

Photography Question 

John Wright

Flare appearing in prints

illustration of flare

John Wright

I am using a Ricoh XR10 with 50mm lens. Some prints have now developed a flare in one particular area. What is odd is that not all the prints display this problem, Any suggestions ? (please see photo}
Thank you so much

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November 22, 2002


John A. Lind
Looking at the photograph, I'm thinking you may have an intermittent light leak. Reason? You mention it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it's always in the same location. It also has the appearance of light fogging.

If this is the problem, light can leak in through two locations like this: around the back and around the lens. The first is by far the most common, and the second is quite rare but not impossible (lens mounts are flanged and baffled). The leak (if this is the problem) would have to be near the lower left as it shows in the upper right of the print. Images in the camera are upside down and backwards. Look at the lower left of the camera back and examine the door seals in that area. I'm not familiar with the XR10, so I don't know whether or not there is a window on the camera back that allows you to see the film cartridge. If there is, this may be the culprit and check the light seals around the window on the inside of the camera back.

Since you stated the problem is intermittent, it could be how you are holding the camera, or if you have a never-ready case for it, whether you sometimes use the camera with the case bottom on it and sometimes remove it completely.

-- John

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November 24, 2002


John Wright
  Thank you so much for your excellent and detailed response. I'll have the seals replaced.

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November 24, 2002


Maynard McKillen
  Dear John W.:
I'm pretty sure John L. hit the problem on the mark. I want to add a comment that may help in a more general way. My first camera was a Ricoh XR-2, with a 50mm f/2. I noticed that when I'd put a Pentax 50mm f/1.7 on the XR-2 body, I got slightly better color and had fewer problems with flare. I found out that Ricoh's 50mm f/2 lenses were "mono-coated" to reduce flare, while the Ricoh 50mm f/1.7, the Ricoh 50mm f/1.4, and the Pentax 50mm f/1.7 and f1.4 lenses were "multicoated", and thus offered better protection from flare. I compensated for this by routinely using a lens shade on my Ricoh 50mm f/2.

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June 12, 2003

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