BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

Damian McAuliffe

Basketball photography

I may have the opportunity to photograph a local professional basketball team in the near future and was just wondering if anyone had advice on a few points before the day.
- Will I need Tungsten balanced film for decent results? are there any filters that I can use instead (81A?). I'm unsure of the cast of the stadium lights.
- What range of shutter speeds will I be looking at using to freeze action? (around 125?) also will my 75 - 300mm F3.5-5.6 lens be sufficient or will it be too slow? oh, and what speed film would be best? ISO 800?
- I own a Canon 420EX flash, should I use this and am I likely to be allowed to use it if I'm sitting under the basket. I really don't want to blind the players.
- Should I invest in a monopod?

any other pointers would be excellent too.

thanks for any help you can give me

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November 11, 2002

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