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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 


How do I take pictures of meteors?

Alright, on November 19th, the Leonids, a spectacular meteor shower is going to occur. If you guys haven't heard about it, go find out some other info about it, it's going to be amazing. Anyway, I am not into photography much but I would really LOVE to take pictures of this event. Any info you guys could provide (camera type, specifications, etc...) for taking pictures of stars/meteors would be very much appreciated. I was told 1.4 apature and to use a tripod with a button I can hold to take the pictures. Aside from that, I have no information on how to take these pictures or what camera to rent. Thanks for any help!

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November 07, 2002


  Ah, sry. I forgot to include that I'm 17 with a minimum wage job, haha. So I don't really have the revenue to rent really expensive equipment. So just keep that in mind when recommending :). Thanks.

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November 07, 2002

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