BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Black and White Photography Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What is Bracketing?

What is Bracketing , why is it used and why is it so important?

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October 17, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Bracketing is simply taking the same shot with different exposures. You take one shot at the metered exposure and then a shot over exposed slightly and then underexposed slightly. You can keep doing that until you think you have your bases covered.

Bracketing is very useful with slide film where exposures are much more precise. Just a half stop makes a big difference with slide film. With negative film it's not as useful because of negative film's wide lititude.

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October 17, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Definitely another test question...

Why do people take photography courses if they don't care to learn what the class is teaching? It's not like photo 101 is required for graduation...

Please people. Pick up a %&$* book once in your life...

just my ever so humble opinion...

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September 02, 2003

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