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Photography Question - Mayra Thompson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mayra Thompson
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I had my camera cleaned and I reset my settings, except that I did not reset (forgot to look) at my resolution. I usually have it set in the camera for RAW and jpeg. Went on an outing and when I downloaded my photos, they were set to jpeg 72ppi (Nooooooooooo). Okay, lesson learned,
My question for this is: what is the best way to fix the resolution: convert them to TIFF or is there a better way?

Thank you for your help-Mayra

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April 16, 2018

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  First want to ask what is the image dimensions? How many pixels wide, how many high?
That's different than resolution because you can have a full sized image with 72ppi. The dimensions will change accordingly.
Second want to ask what do you mean by fixing resolution?
If you're talking about upsizing because you mistakenly shot photos at the small file size setting instead of large, you're limited in what you can do with them. Interpolating can only do so much with a good sized image and you may have to chalk it up as a mistake.
I've accidentally shot something on small file size thinking I was on raw, and just had to leave it as only photos that I could tweet. And couldn't even tweet them at the size I normally tweet because it was set to a size small than that.

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May 10, 2018 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Since you said "downloaded" - I'm assuming you mean on your computer / in software, you see 72ppi. This setting won't ultimately matter, IF you were still capturing large files as Gregory mention... ie, what are the pixel-count dimensions of the files you did capture...? Are they for instance, 3,000 x 4,000, or, 600 x 800? The default PPI setting initially doesn't make any difference at all, when you offload images from the chip -- it comes into play when you start applying software Resizing...

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May 14, 2018

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