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Category: 35mm Cameras

Photography Question 

Sobia Chishti

Nikon verses Canon

Im just getting into photography and getting my first SLR. I've too many questions to ask which i'll time by time. Right now I cannot make decision between a Nikon or Canon. I understand from the frequent visit of this valuable site that most pros have a Nikon. Now from the reviews of N65 & 80(as I can afford either one right now), I came to know that both these haunt while doing AF in low light.also they have slow sync flash,plus some other negatives points. While most reviewers gave it 4 or 5 out of 5, some reviewers were highly unhappy and gave it 1 or 2.(

Canon Rebel 2000 and Elan7/7e have good reviews overall with few minus points namely lack of spot meter, plastic lens mount (on Rebel) etc.

2) My understanding was that Nikon and Canon lenses are compatible untill one of my husband's friend who has some experince in photography told him that Sigma lenses are most compitable to Nikon. Any idea???

Your experience and views surly will help in clearing up my mind.

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August 25, 2002


John A. Lind

First Principle:
The photographer makes the photograph, not the camera.

"Serious" photographers, professional and non-professional, prefer tools that facilitate achieving what they have visualized for their photographic works. They mentally envision what the finished photograph will look like *before* picking up a camera and use the tools that allow them to create what they have visualized. They also want them to be robust, reliable and durable. Who makes them matters not.

Ever hear of Linhof, Toyo-View, Horseman, Sinar, Rodenstock, Rollei, Hasselblad, Mamiya, Bronica, Contax, Leica, Zeiss Ikon, Carl Zeiss, or Schneider Kreuznach? I'd bet there are at least a few names listed you've never seen before. All these companies make "high end" cameras or lenses specifically for "serious" photographers. The greatest influence a camera may have on photographic output is its lens optics. The quality of the optics is very important, but only to the extent it does not inhibit or restrict the photographer in achieving the visualization.

Both Canon and Nikon make very capable 35mm small format systems. Models range from consumer entry level to robust, reliable professional grade equipment. Each has complete systems of accessories to support them. Think more in terms of camera body handling, control placement, and how it feels for ease of use for you specifically. What one person feels is cumbersome or awkward feels natural to another. What one may find is a convenient feature another may find to be a hindrance. An enormous bullet list of gee-whiz auto-magical features will not guarantee better photographs. Think more in terms of basic essentials so that you can easily control *exactly* what the camera will do for you with focus and exposure, including complete manual control, and do it reliably without breaking down. Everything else is a convenience item.

All the rest about brand name is marketing hype.

-- John

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August 25, 2002


Sobia Chishti
  John L.,
Thanks a lot for your guidance. I really never heard most of the names you mention. Now i'll look at the cameras and optics keeping your advice in mind.

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August 26, 2002

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