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Category: Digital Photographic Discussions - Imaging Basics

Photography Question 
- Jane E. Miller

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jane E. Miller
Jane E. Miller's Gallery

Software plug-ins for CS6

I am seeing in a lot of images a antique and linen type a look. I am wondering where that look is coming from. Is it a plug-in. Is it a form of photography software. Can someone help me. Thank you

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November 13, 2013 - Mary L. Olson

Contact Mary L. Olson
Mary L. Olson's Gallery
  Jane, since none of the BP "experts" are answering your

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November 18, 2013 - Mary L. Olson

Contact Mary L. Olson
Mary L. Olson's Gallery
  Jane, since none of the BP "experts" are answering your question, I will take a stab at it. These effects are achieved by using texture layers, not plug-ins, although there are some plug-ins that do achieve some of these looks. You can find texture layers online or you can shoot your own images and layer them over or under your main image and blend them using PS blending modes. There are some freebies out there, but I do not recommend downloading free stuff unless you are totally confident the source is trustworthy. Some not free but good sources are Totally Rad, French Kiss Textures, Florabella, and Flypaper Textures. These aren't generally very expensive, and some like French Kiss do offer excellent tutorials and the occasional free file (and it IS trustworthy).

Hope this helps. P.S. Sorry for the earlier attempt. I blame the cat.

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November 18, 2013

- Jane E. Miller

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jane E. Miller
Jane E. Miller's Gallery

Thanks so much for your info. I will give it a try. I started doing some research and found out about the layers and merging. But, didn't know what textures to download.

Thanks. I will let you know how it goes.


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November 18, 2013


Natural/Abstract Photography
  Jane, I think Mary is right about the linen look coming from textures. There is also the Nik software which is a plug-in that has antique presets and also vintage, toy camera, wet plate and many others but those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. ~April

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December 28, 2013

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