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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


Internal flash for Minolta MaxxumST/SI

Dear John L.

You asked me to check if my CR2 batteries were alkaline or Lithium. I found that my batteries are Lithium. These batteries should be faster than alkaline batteries. I do not believe thatI can use chargeable batteries.


Howard Paley.

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June 20, 2002


John A. Lind
The solution is what Ken first suggested, and what I also believed it would be . . . a more powerful shoe mounted flash that runs on its own batteries (that can be rechargeables), not the camera's, and doesn't need to dump full power all the time.

IMHO, the built-in "flip up" flashes camera makers are puting on their SLR's are more a marketing tool than anything else. They're pitifully low power and they consume camera batteries much faster if it's used frequently. They weren't designed for "fast" recovery.

-- John

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June 21, 2002

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