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Photography Question 

Tammy L. McCarley

Portrait Lens for Sony A700

I've just upgraded from the Sony Alpha A100 to the Sony Alpha A700. A bit over one year ago, I purchased a fixed 50mm f/1.4 Sony lens - the SAL50F14, and absolutely LOVE it. I haven't used another lens since I purchased this one.

I'm taking primarily portraits at this point - of my two young boys and of my family and friends. Given most of my focus is on portraits of children, I am having some challenges in using a fixed 50mm - it's not wide enough when I want to capture a group or my two kids playing together without backing up too far, and it doesn't zoom in if I'm outside and don't want the kids to know I'm photographing them, or if I'm at a BDay party and want to sneak shots without getting right in someone's face - or if the kids are across the park or beach and I want a shot but don't want them to notice.

Another note, I love the wide aperture with my 50mm. I don't necessarily need 1.4, but a minimum of 2.8 seems like it would be nice so that the lens could still perform well when taking portraits. I'm feeling like a minimum of f/3.5 won't be nice enough for portraits.

Could anyone recommend the range I should look for, the ideal or minimum f stop and brand of lens? I'm not in the market financially for a Zeiss len nor s high-end Sony lens at the moment. I think ideally I'd like to spend less than $500 if I can get something really nice for the A700 that will do nice job. Otherwise, I'll save and buy something later.

Thanks for your suggestions!

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December 27, 2010


Peter K. Burian
  Well, for $500 you will have a tough time finding a zoom with a very wide aperture.

I have used the 16-105mm and it's very good. (Wide angle to moderate telephoto) but no, it does not have very wide apertures.

Sony AF DT 16-105mm f/3.5-5.6(D) Autofocus Lens $600.

The f/2.8 zooms are far more expensive. Honestly, I don't think you need a wide aperture lens.


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January 27, 2011

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