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Category: 35mm Cameras

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

prosumer slr - canon eos 50e / pentax nz5n / pz-1p

I am replacing a trusted Ricoh kr7 from 20 years ago, and I would like to buy an slr that gives me the chance to push my photography and most importantly give clarity of image. my price range is around the canon eos 50e / pentax nz5n range but am open to suggestions. I am involved in the creative fieds and may need to enlarge some pictures greatly as a base for large pattern/object designs. I understand the lens may be the greatest thing to consider and any help here would be greatly appreciated. I will not be taking 'action' shots but will need some capability for macro (ie: flower petal details etc). I can only afford one lens (28-105?). My other need is to scan the transparencies for some computer manipulation - I am also looking at purchasing a film/transparency scanner and any suggestions here would be great.
I did look at the digital option, but it seems that at present to get clarity of image you must spend big ( for at least a 5/6 megapixel unit).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
kind regards,

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May 19, 2002

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