BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

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Thank you Sir for your valuble information!

Dear Sir my next question is that can "200 iso" color negative help me get a fne details. Could you tell me some useful suggestions about taking pictures regading aperture shutter speed . I'm basicaly from India

Best regards

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October 21, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Mahavir,

All films are evaluated for their sensitivity to light. Generally films are classified as slow – medium – fast. Films are assigned a speed value using a test method established by the International Standards Organization (ISO). As a general rule, slow films (100 ISO and lower) are desirable because they capture images with high acuity. Slow films are least sensitive to light thus their usage is limited to bright conditions. Medium films 200 ~ 400 are more sensitive thus they perform under dimmer conditions. Acuity remains high so these films are exceedingly suitable for general photography. Films with speeds higher than ISO 400 fall in the fast grouping. They all have lower acuity and lowered tolerance when it come to making enlargements. However, fast films excel in badly lit locations. Film technology continues to advance. Today’s fast films tolerate enlargements quite well.

Modern cameras likely have an “AUTO” mode whereby the camera evaluates the scene and using chip logic, pre-sets itself to produce an optimum picture based on conditions and film used. It is unlikely you will improve the results unless you study. I suggest you consider a modern digital camera. Seek advice at a local camera store and purchase an entry level digital. If you are insentient to remain with film, you can purchase an entry level film camera with an “AUTO” setting. Reading the manual that came with your current film camera won’t hurt either.

Best of luck,

Alan Marcus

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October 21, 2008

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