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Category: Questions with Sample Photos

Photography Question 

Jaymes R. Stuart

The fork in the road

  Monday Morning Madonna
Monday Morning Madonna
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Jaymes R. Stuart

O wise photographic gurus, I need some advice.

I know, deep in my heart, that digital cameras right now can't provide the absolute resolution, contrast range, and all that other stuff that film can.

And, aside from Nikon's and Canon's Digital SLR's (which in Canada cost as much as a decent car) digicams are amateur city.

But, I've fallen for the digital workpath: zero to 8X10 print in 5 minutes.

Plus, in the three months I've had a digicam, I've shot more images than in 15 years of waiting for the prints to come back from the lab.

So here's my question: I'm set to go out tomorrow morning and buy a whole lot of pretty good Canon film SLR gear, including a high-end scanner.

Should I?


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December 18, 2001

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