BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

strobe power

i am trying to sort out issues in order to purchase stobe lights/monolights
how can I accurately determine how much power I need?
i want to shoot 100 ASA film
at f8
bounced into umbrella(white)
or a soft box
groups of 6 people
lights 10 feet away
i have heard many differing answers
and to confuse the issue more - am understanding that the watts sec issue is not a true indicator of light output!
variance brand to brand?
how big an issue is this?

2nd question:
i plan on purchasing 2nd hand equipment
and am working with a budget
any suggestions as to what significance the age of a monolight is?
and can anyone suggest what brands are not reliable for parts replacements or durability.
whew big questions....

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November 16, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Watt Seconds is actually a valid means of determining strobe power, but a lot depends on the quality and angling of the reflector being used. Also, many manufacturers do fudge their ratings.
Go to some strobe sites. Legitimate strobe manufacturers like Novatron, Speedotron, Paul C. Buff, Dynalite will not only list the WS for each of their units, but will also provide you with actual shooting f-stops @ 10 feet. Since most soft boxes and white umbrellas lose 2 stops of light, you can easily predict what f-stop you can use.
Michael H. Cothran

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November 17, 2005

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