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Photography Question 

Terry R. Danish

Scanning a Negative vs. a Transparency

When scanning a negative vs. scanning a transparency, is there a noticeable difference in quality with either? Is one way preferred over the other? Also, when printing the scan via at least a fairly decent photo capable printer, is there a noticeable difference between the two? Would one be able to tell the difference?

I'd appreciate comments!
Thanks -

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May 04, 2001 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Here are a few quick thoughts:

I find scanning slides easier because they are easier to handle.

However, on some scanners that I have used, negatives seem to scan better. Slides sometimes seem to scan with too much contrast - the darks are too dark and the highlights are too light. I prefer, for example, the job that the Polaroid Sprint film scanners do with negatives.

The quality of the scan often seems to me to have more to do with the scanner software than with whether I am scanning slides or negatives. For instance, many scanners feature auto scanning capabilities with a number of film profiles. If you scanner has your particular film type - whether it be slides or negatives - on file, it will much more likely produce pleasing results. Most of the time, however, I have to go in and tweak the colors anyway.

It all depends upon how sensitive you are to differences in color balance, sharpness, etc.

And, yes, these results translate to the printed product. If the quality doesn't please you on screen, it will probably not please you when printed.

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May 04, 2001

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