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Photography Question 

Elaine S. Robbins

The Real DIfference....

I just got a Rebel 2000, and thus far I'm very happy with it (Of course, I've only shot a few rolls, and under pretty normal conditions). Before I had (well, still have) a moderately decent compact that I got some great pics off of, but I'm amazed at the diff in SHARPNESS!! Even just with the 28-80 kit lens that everyone says is so horrible...

Anyhow, my questions....

First, a rather stupid question, but there's nothing special about camera bags are there, some kind of special fabric or anything? I mean, you can use any bag that works, right?

Second, a more pointed question: I did my research before getting this camera, and what I found is that although the higher level pro SLRS like the Elan IIe and such have a lot more modes and settings, it seems that as long as you have a body w/the basics if you're really skilled (and have decent lenses) you can get pics of the same quality from an entry-level SLR. Is this true or not (in your opinion)?


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April 21, 2001

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