BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Jennifer Alice A. Radke

Best Online School

What is the best online photography school that offers short term basic/ advanced professional/ general photography

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April 30, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Jenny,
Great question ... and if I say so myself, you are at the right place :-) Check out BetterPhoto's online course category page, and you'll see such a wide range of courses ... from basic technique courses to specialized professional classes ... and everything in between. The instructors are well-published photographers with strong teaching backgrounds:


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April 30, 2005


Maverick Creatives
  Hello Jenny.
A few years ago I began to take my photographic dreams from hobby status to business reality. I have to say that without the personal guidance and information from the instructors and students here at I would not be at the stage I am at today. There are other sites, such as the one that Justin mentioned, but none compare to the comraderie you will find here at this site. Here people care, here people help, here people are pleased to see you succeed in your personal and photographic goals. Hands down, this is the best place with the most variety of material from which to choose from for furthering your education in this artform.
(gezz,,sorry for sounding like a salesman, is it obvious I really like and care for this site?)

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May 01, 2005


Theresa J. Timmins
  Hi Jenny,

I was wondering the same thing. I am looking to do some online classes and be able to get into college in a year. I am trying to find an online school that might have credits that transfer, so far I have had no luck.

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May 05, 2005

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