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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Poses for Youth League Photos

I am shooting the girls youth league - individual shots and - need ideas about how to pose them. Thanks.

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April 22, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I saw a friend's senior pic who played softball. She was turned at a 45-degree angle to the left with her left hand (with the glove on) under her right elbow propping her arm up, holding a softball up around shoulder height. Does that make sense? Basically, it's one of those "arms folded" poses but instead, one hand is propped up holding the softball. I probably wouldn't do this unless they asked for it, but you could add a flame on top of the ball like it's on fire for a slightly different touch, assuming you're using digital and are familiar with the digital darkroom.

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April 22, 2005


Maverick Creatives
  Hi Scott,
I find that shooting individual shots is more than just photography. It's more like cattle herding. Finding the next kid on the list is sometimes very time-consuming. They have a tendency to wander off or even go home without telling the coaches. For these reasons, I arrive early, check the sun direction and try to pose the subjects so I get maximum effect from my circular polarizer. Parents are not interested in seeing their child's shoes, ankles, knees, waist ... they want to see the smiling face. Advertisers, however, do like to see the jersey so I shoot from the waist up, focusing on the eyes. I have them hold a bat in batting position, and I have a ball sitting on a homemade spike I stick in the ground where I like them to look. Before I shoot, I tell them to look at the ball as if it was coming toward them with bases loaded and the score tied. It seems to work well.
Hope this helps.

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April 24, 2005


  Make sure you know how the memory mate folder is set up. Is the individual picture on the right or left of the group? You want them facing towards the group. I hope you're using a lab that specializes in sports photos. They usually have packages at a very affordable price. Also know if the lab has the newest folders. Many labs aren't stocking the folders and you must get your own.

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April 26, 2005


Gena A. Tussey
  It really depends on the location and child. I photograph on the average of about 125-250 children a week doing sports portraits. Smaller children, I try to have them stand or kneel on both knees due to the fact most do not have the coordination to do one knee properly. With older kids and high school age, I kneel with the bat on one knee, kneeling to "catch" a field ball, batting with the bat resting on the ball of the shoulder with the body at a 35 to 45 degree angle. Be careful about where the bat rests so they don't have a "bat" growing out of their head. I always put the sun at their back as much as possible depending on background. It creates a nice hair light, and I use a Norman to create fill light. There are a lot of great poses for all sports. Look around on-line at sports shoots to get a good idea of what is selling. Gook luck!

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April 26, 2005


Katie Lorenz
Some helpful tidbits ... Make sure you shoot all individuals vertical and all groups horizontal. I take two shots of each child and two of each team. There are so many different types of poses for each sport. Let me know which sports you will be shooting and I can send you some samples. I would strongly recommend hiring an assistant who can collect money and keep a log of negative or frame numbers as you shoot. This will allow you to stay focused on shooting great portraits. I could go on and on. Let me know if you need anymore info.

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April 28, 2005


Terry R. Danish
  I only shot photos of a baseball team once so I certainly yield to the more experienced here! That said, I simply brought along a few (professional) baseball cards that offered specific poses appealed to me. While I'd be shooting one player, I'd have the next player in line viewing the poses - when it was his turn, he'd simply point out which one he liked and thats what we did! Worked great...

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May 03, 2005

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