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Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Karma Wilson

Course Suggestion--Fundamentals of DSLR

I currently own a digital camera with some amount of manual aperture and shutter control. I'm learning about exposure, comp, lighting, etc... However, the photography bug has bitten me hard and in the very near future I plan to purchase a digital SLR camera (Canon D20 most likely--Nikon D70 the only other possibility).

I looked through the courses and perhaps I missed something, but I would REALLY love to see a course for the beginning DSLR user. It could cover lenses and lense care, differences in between different types of lenses, buying new lenses, and mastering the controls on the camera, and shooting in RAW and JPEG modes. Maybe it would be too extensive or too varied from camera to camera--I don't know. But I do know I'm feeling overwhelmed by the thought of all that technology at my fingertips! I would sign up for a class like that in a hot second!


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January 08, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Most of that is the same as any beginning class.
They have a basic sounding digital camera class by Peter Burian.
Also have a basic sounding photoshop class.

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January 08, 2005


Karma Wilson
  Yep--saw that and frankly I'm comfortable with most of what's in the course outline. I'm gaining a pretty good understanding of ISO, aperture, exposure, etc...I know how to save and work in photoshop. But having read a small tidbit here about using RAW with the D20 I believe it's a different kettle of fish then my little camera.

What I'm really looking for is a course designed specifically for a DSLR camera that will show me exactly when, where why and how to use, change and care for lenses which I know nothing about. I have a $350 camera that's swell for the money. But I'm looking into buying lenses that are twice as much as my whole camera now! That's intimidating for me, and I'd like some schooling as I jump in to that. But I don't really want to pay for a class that shows me how to do all the things I can do on my camera now--and all the courses I saw I could have taken with this camera.

Now, being I'm self taught in about everything I do I have no doubt I'll learn it all by reading online articles and experimenting. But I thought a course would have been time saving and fun. But perhaps it's not needed. It was just an idea.


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January 08, 2005

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