BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

how do these online courses work?

Hi! I'm thinking about an online course here but I don't know how they work. I'm a college student right now but for music and not photography. There are many things that I would like to check out but how do these courses work? Since I'm living on a campus I know my college classes require you do pretty much dedicate your life to them while you're here but I figure since people who have fulltime jobs take these classes, I assume they're not as intese or demanding on the schedule? How are assignments made? How is it taught if you can't hear or see an instructor? I was thinking about something at the intermediate level like Jim Zuckerman's Mastering Light or something covering light very in depth. I feel like my problem is that I don't have the kind of equipment that can help me explore these things. I have a picture somewhere on here, it's of an instrument (my flute) and it's called A Break from Practicing. I know a lot about lighting from book and I don't feel like I need anything on photoshop because I fiddle around until I get something and that's how I've learned, plus I don't have digital yet. That's something else that's keeping me from exploring. Thanks!

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January 03, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your interest in's online courses! Yes, you are correct about these classes: Many people fit them into their "regular" work or school lives ... in fact, the flexibility of Internet learning is one of the big attractions! As for the specifics on how these courses work, check out the following:

As for individual courses, read not only the course description, but also the course outline and the QnA - those links are at the bottom of each course description page. This listing of classes may be of help:

Incidentally, many classes don't require a ton of equipment. Again, the Q&A for each course will provide the requirements.

Again, Andrew, thanks for your interest ... and if you have any further questions, just ask!

Best Regards,
Kerry Drager

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January 04, 2005

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