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Photography Question 

Kevin Harley

Monitor Calibration: What to Buy?

I'm looking at buying a spyder program to calibrate the color on my monitor as I am having severe issues. Let's just say the photos I edit look 100-percent great in Photoshop, but then the color changes in windows and so forth. I'm looking to get something that will calibrate the monitor perfect. I have looked at a few spyder programs but want to know which will work best and most accurately while letting me do nice quality prints.

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March 15, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Kevin, I have Colorvision Spyder2, and it is easy to use. This will set up a profile that you will assign for your monitor and then you set your printer to the same profile (I name my profile Spyder2) and then what you see on your monitor will match what you print. Once you set your computer color to the Spyder2 profile, your colors are set to that profile. It doesn't matter if you are using Photoshop, Windows picture viewer, etc. ... because the monitor itself is calibrated to that profile.
Richard Lynch teaches a course that would help you with this called From Monitor to Print

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March 15, 2008


Richard Lynch
Thanks for mentioning the course! Anyone looking for an inexpensive option from ColorVision, the Express will calibrate your monitor and build an ICC profile to begin you on your way through color management. You can get an express for about $70 on Amazon. For color accuracy, it will be the best money you ever spent if you do not currently calibrate at all.

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March 17, 2008


Jairo Betancourt Álvarez
  Please. do visit or and there you will have color info to your hearts delight.
Friendly. The Gentleman is a Master when it comes to Color Managment. Friendly,
Jairo Betancourt Álvarez.

I am at Medellin, Colombia.

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March 18, 2008

- Susan Feulner

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Feulner
Susan Feulner's Gallery
  What ColorMunki for color calibration?

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August 21, 2009


Richard Lynch
  I've never used colormunki and can only vouch for colorvision products as I use them and know they work.

(click here for Spyder Express on Amazon)

Richard Lynch

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August 21, 2009 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
Donald R. Curry's Gallery

I have been using the Spyder 2 for a couple of years. I have been very pleased. What I see on the monitor is what I see on the print.

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September 03, 2009


Jeffrey R. Whitmoyer
  I also use the Spyder 2 and concur with both Carlton and Richard. What you see is what you get and if you combine that with downloading the profiles for printer/paper combinations you'll be consistent all the way through with your output. I bought Spyder 2 Suite on Ebay for about $80.00.

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September 04, 2009


Tareq M. Alhamrani
  I use Spyder3Studio which includes Spyder3Elite and Spyder3Print, I use only Spyder3Elite, couldn't be happier, none of photos I printed have a problem, all amazing great even better than what I see on display as I say always on the net.

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September 04, 2009

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