BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photo Exposure Troubleshooting

Photography Question 

Ujjwal Mukherjee

Shooting in Glacier Region


I am going for a vacation in New Zealand. I have a Canon EOS30 SLAR and planning to take Kodak Elite chrome 100 slide films for the trip .
Among other place in New Zealand I am planning to take a one day Glacier walk trip in the Franz Joseph Glacier region. I was told that this walk provides breathtaking landscapes and great photography opportunities.
I know taking perfect exposure in region where there is only snow around is going to be difficult. Any help/suggestions on techniques that I should employ in taking photos in that area will be greatly appreciated. For example considering that I'll be using slide film (100) and there will be more than sufficient sunlight in that high altitude glacier region with snow all around what exposure that I should use to take almost perfects shots.
Will it be a better idea to use a different grade (other than 100) of slide film or any Negative film for this particular trip to Glacier region?


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September 17, 2003


doug Nelson
  I'm glad you asked this question, because I think I can help you avoid some mistakes I have made in similar situations. Since you are using slide film, you must be very careful about exposure.
Try not to let bright sun or light relected off snow influence your light meter reading. What can happen is that the light meter will overreact to the extreme brightness and fool us into using too fast a shutter or too small an aperture. Read off of deep blue sky, or off a middle gray tone, and all the other tones will fall into place. Your EOS' partial metering option will be helpful here.
If you know you really want a shot, bracket your exposures, ie a half stop, then a whole stop over and under what your meter reads.
Avoid sunglasses while shooting. Your view of the scene and your expectations of the shot will be affected. If you're in harsh midday light, your slides will, quite rightly, show exactly that. Try to do your shooting in the morning or late afternoon/evening.
Try some Fuji Provia 100 film, too. This films records exactly what you saw. Try some Kodachrome 64, too.

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September 18, 2003


Ujjwal Mukherjee
  Hi Doug,

Thanks for the suggestions. I am sure it will help me to avoid many mistakes.
Thanks again.

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September 19, 2003

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