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Category: Photo Exposure Troubleshooting

Photography Question 

Michelle M. Gumina

How to adjust shutter/aperture with a Zoom lens.

Hi! I went apple picking recently and I was using my telephoto lens. It is a Canon 75-300mm lens. It was a bright, sunny day and I used 200spd film. I shot a picture of my daughter with the lens zoomed in all the way. The shutter was fast to freeze the action, and my aperature was set at f8. What am I doing wrong? The picture lost all color and came out dark. This has happened to me before when using a fast shutter speed. Are there specific instructions for shooting with a long lens. Or is my problem the shutter speed and aperture. Why do so many of my shots come out so dark?

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November 18, 2002


Jon Close
  If your pictures are too dark, then the film is being underexposed. Are you using M mode, manually setting shutter and aperture? Did the exposure meter indicate proper exposure?

Sunny-16 exposure rule: in bright sunshine set f/16 and 1/ISO shutter speed = 1/200 (or 1/250) which is equivalent to f/8 and 1/800 (or 1/750). If there were any clouds, open up one stop. If your daughter was in the shade of the apple trees, then open up 1 or 2 (or more) stops to f/8 and 1/200.

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November 18, 2002


Michelle M. Gumina
  Thank you. I remember that rule. I was using my M mode and setting the shutter and aperture manually. I am still struggling with adjusting my camera settings in relation to the lighting conditions. My exposure does work properly, however; I think I ignore it sometimes. Probably not a good idea. Well I'll keep practicing. Thanks again.

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November 19, 2002


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Hey there,

Question.... could this be the reason why my shots from a week ago are, lets say, crappy??? It was overcast but very bright, I thought i'd be ok shooting 400 speed film without making any compensations and without using my flahs. I had to shoot an open house at an animal hospital for a small assignment. Therefore, there were dogs everywhere and lots of action so I used shutter speed priority to do most of the shooting. I got the photos back and the closeup shots of the people, especially the darker skined people, are very dark. I guess I should have used my 550 EX flash. I have a Canon Elan 7E and consider myself to be intermediate in knowledge. But when I saw those pictures, I was ready to go back to beginner courses.
Is there a way to tell when to use the flash? Sometimes it's very confusing when it's overcast because that can throw the exposure off as I have learned.

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June 16, 2003


Allan L. Plucinik
Often your camera is fooled into thinking the exposure is adequate because of strong backlighting (the sun or a bright sky is behind the subject) But the main subject is not as bright. If you don't have a hand-held light meter, then set your camera to manual mode, then you should point your camera at the main subject and eliminate the backlit area from your view by getting close to your subject or zooming in. Adjust your aperture and exposure settings for a normal exposure, then recompose your shot to include the background. Your light meter will immediately say that you are overexposing but ignore that. Take the shot. Your main subject should then be properly exposed. The only drawback is that the background might be over exposed but that's life in the camera world when there is a lot of contrast between foreground and background.

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July 03, 2003


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Thanks for your help. I have another question pertaining to this subject. Hope you can help me.
I have to do a shoot for a horse owner. She wants photos of her and her horse together. 90% of the shots will be candid.
My Equipment:
Canon Elan 7E, 550 EX Flash, Stroboframe, 75-300mm lens, 85mm 2.8 portrait lens, and tripod.

My questions:
1. I did a shoot awhile ago of a horse and learned by trial and error and much research and practice later that I need to use my telephoto lens at approx. 150mm and stand no less than 7 feet away from the horse to achieve the perfect visual effects due to his long nose. Since I will be photographing two subjects (owner and horse), I want the "portrait type " shots to have both of them in perfect focus. Should I instruct her to stay within a confined area 7 feet away from me and turn off the Auto focus feature, turn off the Eye Control feature and manually select a focusing point within this confined area and shoot away? Will this give me great focus on both subjects?
2. I will using Shutter Priority due to the possible quick movements of the horse. I dont know what time she wants to do the shoot, so the lighting is going to be a guess at this point. Would it be ok to use 400 speed film, or even possibly 800 speed film in order to freeze the horse's movements and in order to use a high shutter speed? I want to use a professional type of film as well, Any recommendations on this? I know I could use my flash if I have to.
3. I want to make sure I blur the background on the closeups of them, so I want to be able to use a large aperature as well as the high shutter speed. If the sun's out full force and I use f16 or f8, I would think that by pulling them in close on the telephoto at 150mm, I shouldnt see disturbing background areas right?
4. Last question, she is fair skinned, the horse is dark brown. How do I get both of them exposed correctly? There will be shots where their heads will be touching and frankly, I'm a little concerned what exposure i'm going to use to expose both of their coloring correctly and still have good lighting.

I know I have tons of questions here and without knowing exactly what type of light i'm going to be working with, it's going to be difficult for you to answer precisely, however, some tips would be most appreciated.

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July 04, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  1. If these portraits are of the horses face and her standing next to the horse , focus on the eyes. When the eyes are sharp, it gives the impression of everything being sharp. If she's going to be sitting on the horse and you're going to fill the frame with the whole horse, focusing on the horse should work fine.
2. You shouldn't need 800 unless it's close to sunset. You actually could use 200 or even 100 if you shoot wide open. If she's riding the horse you should pan with the horse no matter what shutter speed.
3.If you shoot in so that it's only her from the waist up and the horses face, anything other than a wide angle will blur the background.
4.If you're using print film, it's forgiving, especially for overexposure. But you can use your spot meter and take a reading off of some grass and use that reading if it's the same lighting that will be on them.

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November 16, 2003


Carol Brill
  Roxanne, in response to your question about what type of film to use, I have an Elan 7e and shoot high school sports. I've had very good results from the Fuji Press 400 or 800 speed films, or even the Fuji Reala 100 for daylight. I also have the same lens, make sure you take into account its rather slow focusing speed as well, set the AF mode to AI servo, and for some series use the multiple exposures mode as well to best capture action sequences. Good luck!

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January 12, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You sure you mean multiple exposure mode? As in several images on the same frame?

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January 12, 2004


Carol Brill
  You're right, Gregory, thanks for a good catch...sorry, Roxanne, my fingers were typing faster than my brain was working! I MEANT to say for some series use "continuous shooting" in the film advance mode to best capture action sequences.

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January 12, 2004

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