BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photo Exposure Troubleshooting

Photography Question 

Bhavesh Karnik

Unwanted background details

I've Olympus C-3040 (digital camera) and it allows manual shutter/aparture control etc and my friend has a Nikon F-60. We went for a street-carnival and took pix. The pic quality, colors details etc from my camera were pretty much the same as that from SLR. However, one thing that was different was that my camera was keeping complete feild 'in-focus' so all the background details like the power-cables etc came very clear in the picture whereas with SLR the background was out-of-focus and blurred-out making his pix looks much better. I guess it was because of the depth of feild used - my setting was ~4.5-5.3f but even at lower values the background was still pretty much in-focus.

Is it something inherent with my camera that doesnt allow me to cut off the distracting background details? Can this be done only in SLRs?


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September 02, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Yes, because of their smaller recording media digital cameras have much more DOF than 35mm cameras. There's not much you can do in-camera to change this. You can manipulate the image in an editing program like Photoshop to get the look of shallower DOF or remove distractions altogether.

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September 03, 2002

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