BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photo Exposure Troubleshooting

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Exposure with Studio Flash

I shoot on 6"x 6" Medium Format, with Prime Lenses. When I take a Studio shot using the normal 8Omm lens,at exposure indicated on my Flashmeter, everything is fine. When I use the 15Omm Lens, I find subject and particularly background are darker than I expected. Should I be compensating for light loss down the barrel of the 15Omm by opening up by a stop???

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May 07, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  You shouldn't need to compensate. The focal length doesn't affect the exposure since the f-stops are simply ratios of aperture size to focal length. What kind of camera is it? My camera focuses via a bellows so when I focus very close I must compensate for the extra bellows length. Beyond that, I can't really think of what might be causing your problem.

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May 07, 2002

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