BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photo Exposure Troubleshooting

Photography Question 

Sam Sam

Subject Dark in Shadows

I have the Olympus ZLR. The photos are great indoors. But outdoors, when there is good sunshine and I stand in the shade to take pictures, then the items/persons in the shade are too dark and the items/persons in the bright light are okay. I have used flash at all times and still find the subject in the shade to be dark. Please help.

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April 19, 2002


John A. Lind
If some of the people are in shade and some are in direct sunlight, you are asking the impossible from your camera and flash. The difference between the two can easily be upward of three stops. Those in direct sun will either be blown out, or those in the shade will be grossly under-exposed. Even "fill flash" for the shade will not work well under these conditions. Why? It's filling and adding the same amount of light to everyone; those in the shade and those in the sun. The solution is avoiding these situations. If you're positioning people (posing them) either get them *all* in the shade and use fill (better) or all in the sun (second best as there's greater risk of squinting from the bright sunlight). One of the better times for photographing people outdoors is on an overcast day without the very harsh shadows and very bright light from direct sun. Otherwise, I look to place them in open shade (on the shaded side of a building, wall, etc. with open sky above).

-- John

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April 19, 2002


Sam Sam
  Too dark
Too dark
With Flash on

Sam Sam

  Whats going on
Whats going on
With Flash on

Sam Sam

Thanks for the reply John. I think you will understand my question if I post a couple of snaps. Please take look at the following two pictures. I really appreciate your help.

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April 20, 2002

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