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Photography Question 

Stewart J. Wilkins

Taking Pictures of Houses

Would you kindly give me a couple tips about taking better & more creative pictures of interior & exterior shots of houses? Any composition & lighting tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
1) Use a wide-angle but be careful to make sure that it doesn't distort the lines. Look at the edges of your shot through the viewfinder and see if any lines near them stay linear. If not, you need to either zoom it a bit (if possible) and/or get your hands on a better camera and lens set-up. For a price, you can find many designed just for this purpose.
2) Avoid depending upon the little on-camera flash. Just do your best to shoot during daylight hours and try to flood the home with light.
3) Avoid shooting anything with a really bright window behind it; this will cause the subject to be silhouetted against a bright white background.
4) Use a tripod.

1) Same as interior as far as using a wide angle lens and using a tripod.
2) Get non-important or distracting elements out of the picture; ugly cars, kids toys, etc. Do what you normally do to improve curbside appeal.
3) Keep the sky out of the picture as much as possible if it is overcast use a polarizing filter.

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September 27, 2001


Stewart J. Wilkins
  I just wanted to thank very much the people who responded to my questions about real estate photography. They were very helpful; and your're taking the time to offer the suggestions is very nice of you.


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May 02, 2000

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