Agfa DuoSc..."> Agfa DuoSc..."/>

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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I'm interested in scanning 35mm negatives, slides & 8x10 prints. I'm considering the Agfa DuoScan models or the Microtek Scanmaker models. Price range for me is $600 to 2,000. I like the versitility of these scanners but I'm having a hard time deciding how much to spend and for what quality. My objective is to scan my 35mm negatives and slides and print them on a photo-quality printer. Please help.

P.S. Can you recommend a good quality printer? I was thinking about the ALPS.

Thank you,


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October 01, 1999


Michael D. Clausen
  I recommend the Agfa DuoScan for anyone who wants a great flatbed scanner. Such a scanner, however, may not capture enough data to make excellent 8x10 prints - I find it best for images that will be used on the Web or on screen displays. Also, it is especially suited for those who may scan things other than 35mm slides or negatives (such as large format transparencies or large flat artwork). You may get more out of a 35mm film scanner such as the Nikon LS-2000.

For a printer, I highly recommend the Epson 700.

I can't speak for all of the products that are out there,
but I got a Hewlett Packard PhotoSmart S20 scanner, which is
specifically for negatives, slides and photos up to 8X10.
I've had wonderful results with it. My main concern before I
purchased this scanner was whether I would get high quality
scans from my 35mm negatives. I needn't have worried. I was
awed at the results, and my standards are very high.

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September 27, 2001 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  You're right - I am actually jumping. Some time back, we did a silly series of such images in various locations. This was one of the better ones. When it was printed once, the lab scratched the negative pretty bad. I scanned it in to repair the image and got a little carried away... :^)

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October 30, 2000

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