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BetterPhoto Member

Choosing a 80-200 Lens

I am buying a non-AF 80-200 lens for my Nikon F3 hp and trying to decide if a used Nikon lens - which is heavy and expensive - is much better than a light, new, non-AF Tokina, for example???

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June 04, 2001


Hermann Graf
  The Nikon F3HP is designed for manual focusing lenses. It can be used with Nikon's AF lenses too (or some third party producers' with Nikon bajonet), but the disadvantage of AF lenses is that in MF mode (be sure there is some, because some Nikon lenses are designed only for AF cameras), the focusing path is very short, and the feeling is "plasticky". Because the F3HP itself is relatively heavy, additional weight of the lens should be a minor problem. AF lenses nowadays are no more as cheap as they were when introduced. Advanatge of AF zooms: they offer larger apertures than MF ones, but then, they also weigh more.

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June 11, 2001

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