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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Downloading Photographs in Raw Format Quickly

How do I download images in RAW Format quickly to my application (which is Adobe Photoshop 6). I use a SanDisc card reader to download which is quicker than using the camera. Would a self-powered card reader be better and is there is one available for my camera (a Canon EOS D30 ).

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May 30, 2001


Robert Torrence
  Bridesmaids During the Wedding
Bridesmaids During the Wedding
Shot with the Nikon D1X, ISO 125, 24-85mm F2.8, with the Quantum X2 Flash set to Auto. Having fun during the ceremony

Robert Torrence

Fire wire is the fastest way to get the images from the camera to the computer. It is hadr to find a fire wire card reader but if you see one get it especially for the raw files. I use ULead Photo Explorer to open and look at the files the click and drag them to a new location on the hard drive. After that write the CD right away seems to work faster that way. Tigers Direct has a card reader the installs in your computer that is to work as fast as any other drive you now have built in.

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July 02, 2002

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