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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

F-Stop and Shutter Speed for Slides of Prints

I'm shooting slides from some photos using regular household bulbs to light. What f-stop and shutter speed should I use and should I use the flash?

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April 26, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  First of all, if you are shooting with household bulbs you need to be using tungsten film to get the best results. Even at that, the shots may end up on the warm side. As far as what exposure to use, you have to determine that yourself. You need to position the lights (2 of them) at 45deg angle to your work. Place a gray card over the picture. Once the lights are set up take a meter reading. You should meter all 4 corners and the center and move the lights until the meter readings all match to assure even light. Make sure your film plane is parallel to the print and use an f-stop somewhere between f8-f16 for the best sharpness. If you use flash you must have 2 of them so you can set them up as described above and it would help to have a flash meter. If you use flash you don't need the tungsten film. Easy huh? ;-)))

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April 26, 2001


John A. Lind
  Jeff's right that household will be slightly warmer than tungsten film balance. It is close, _much_ better than daylight film, and easier to completely balance when making prints.

Additional Tip:
Higher wattage bulbs, 150 Watt to 300 Watt, tend to be closer. For _fire_safety_ do NOT use a higher wattage than the bulb socket or lamp is rated for and be careful where high wattage bulbs are placed, especially under things.

-- John

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April 28, 2001

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